The first classroom blog in the U.S. that I found was Mrs. Newingham's third grade class blog. As the teacher, Mrs. Newingham updates the site with new information regarding the achievement and status of her class. This blog is used for students' friends and family to keep up with what is going on in the classroom. As you explore this site you can find the daily schedule of the class, class activites, weekly newsletters, teacher resources, classroom celebrations, field trips, and so much more. This teacher uses this site for a way to let parents know what is going on in the classroom on a day to day bases. If you would like to view this site please visit:
The second blog that I found was Mr. Jason Parker's fifth grade science class from Salem Elementary School. He uses the blog to address his students' parents. This blog provides a way for parents to keep up and know what is going on in their child's class without having to contact the teacher everyday. Mr. Parker also post podcast for parents and pictures for them to view and see how their child is interacting in the classroom setting. He also provides links to other class blogs so that parents can visit other classes as well. There is also a place for views to subscribe to RSS feeds from the blog on new entries or comments. If you would like to visit this blog please visit:
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