Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dr. Alice Christie's Website Review

After viewing Dr. Alice Christie's website at http://alicechrisitie.org/, I found two different uses of technology that I would like to incorporate into my classroom. The first form of technology that I found is under the section "Dr. Christie's Electronic Portfolio Resources." I think that an electronic portfolio will be helpful because it allows students to submit work early. Many students like to get an assignment done and out of the way, but many techers will not accept the assignment early because they don't want to have to collect the same assignment and number of times. An electronic portfolio will allow a teacher to accept work early without the pages being stacked on the desk.

The second use of technology that I believe will be helpful in my classroom is under the section "Dr. Chrisite's Digital Media and Photography Resource." I absoulty lve to take pictures, because I believe in the saying "Take a picture, it will last longer." In my classroom, I would like students top engage in photography when we are on field trips, doing art or science projects, or when we have other exciting events in the classroom. I beileve that by taking pictures, it can help students understand the steps they take to solve different problems and in the end, it may help them correct their mistakes. These are two uses of technology that I would enjoy using in my classroom as an educator.

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